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All the Basic Gaming Terms You Need to Know

Published on November 10, 2022 at 06:20 PM

Do you understand exactly what MMO, FPS, AoE or 1v1 meaning? If you don’t know, don’t worry; you’re not alone. These gaming terms, along with the 45 others in the list below, are video gaming jargon, but they’re not difficult to grasp.

This gamer words list will be useful not only for gamers, but also for game artists who create 2D and 3D character concept art.

If you’re new to the world of video games, you can find yourself entirely confused in a sea of new video games, words and definitions, and acronyms.

With this useful video gaming terms dictionary, you’ll be fluent in gamer jargon and ready to make contact with other players in your favorite online games.

Most common gaming terms

1. AAA

AAA games are those created by huge studios like Ubisoft or EA. They usually have big budgets and a lot of marketing around them. AAA games are distinguished from “indie”; releases, which are created by fewer developers.

2. Adds

This gaming terminology refers to “extra opponents”; that appear during boss battles. You frequently have to strike a balance between taking care of additions and dealing damage to the boss.

3. AoE

AoE, or “area of effect,”; refers to attacks or capabilities that have a specific region of effect. AoE meaning in gaming is in contrast to powers that only hit one target, such as a rifle. Typically, there will be a circle or other indication of where the ability is now active.

4. Bots

Non-human opponents in online games are referred to as bots, CPUs, and “computers.”; Some multiplayer games allow you to play the game modes against bots by yourself or with friends in local multiplayer.

5. Crafting

Crafting is the process of using elements obtained in a gaming jargon (such as plants or scrap metal) to create other useful objects such as weapons or healing potions for boosting video games. This is popular in a variety of genres and can be simple or complex.

6. DLC

DLC is an abbreviation for downloadable content. It refers to any additional features that may be downloaded separately from the main game, such as characters, levels, cosmetics, and so on. DLC is sometimes, but not always, paid for separately.

7. DPS

DPS, or “damage per second,”; is a measurement of how much damage a specific weapon or attack deals. “DPS”; can also refer to a character class whose primary purpose is to deal damage, as opposed to other classes such as tanks or healer.

8. Easter Eggs

The video game Easter eggs in games, like their real-life counterparts, are hidden messages or features in game slang. This could be a minor hint to another title in the series, a humorous note buried by the creators, or something equivalent.

9. FPS

A first-person shooter game is an FPS. This is a genre in which you see the world through the eyes of your character rather than through the lens of a camera. First-person shooters frequently depict you with a weapon in your floating hands, as if you’re the character.

10. HP

HP, which stands for health points or hit points, is a metric that gauges your character’s vitality. When your HP reaches zero, your characters get killed.

11. Lag

Lags are a frequent online arcade terms that refers to the time that elapses between your input and the action that occurs in the game. This often refers to online lag caused by high ping, in which the game server takes an abnormally long time to reply to your activities.


This abbreviation means “massively multiplayer online role-playing game.”; It refers to an RPG-style game in which thousands of players all exist in the same game world at the same time. A good example is World of Warcraft.

13. Mod

A mod (“modification”;) is a player-created alteration to a game. Mods can range from minor bug fixes to completely new games based on the original’s core. Some developers dislike mods, while others adore them and include tools to search for mods in their video games.

14. NPC

NPC stands for non-player character (or non-playable character) and refers to any character in a game that you do not control. NPCs often have predefined actions and behaviors and might be important characters in a game or just filler.

15. PvP/PvE

PvP is short for player versus player in gaming terminology. It refers to games (or modes) in which human participants compete with one another. This is in contrast to PvE (player versus environment or player against enemy) games, in which you compete against computer-controlled opponents.

16. RPG

A role-playing game, or RPG, is a vast genre. They are typically story-driven games with immersive landscapes in which your character has a variety of stats and items that you can level up by defeating enemies and finishing missions..

17. XP/EXP

XP stands for experience points, which are commonly used to track your progress in a variety of genres. When you earn enough XP, you usually graduate to the next level, which gives new powers, stat boosts, stronger weaponry, and other benefits.


In a field as extensive as video games, it is difficult to cover all gamer terms slang in a single gamer words list. However, you now understand some of the most common gaming terminology as well as some more specialist jargon. These terminology will be important not just for players, but also for individuals looking to advance their careers in the game industry. Perhaps one of the more experienced guys will uncover something new for themselves as well. It is, after all, never too late to learn.

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