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Capt Sir Tom Moore’s daughter sells just ONE copy a day of her book about grief as she’s accused of ‘profiting again’

Published on March 21, 2025 at 09:50 PM

THE daughter of Covid hero Capt Sir Tom Moore has sold just one copy a day of her new book.

Hannah Ingram-Moore’s tome about grief is at 130,000 in the Amazon sales charts.

Capt Sir Tom Moore with his daughter Hannah and grandchildren Benji and Georgia
Hannah's tome about grief is at 130,000 in the Amazon sales charts

The 54-year-old released the £8.99 self-help book, called Grief: Public Face Private Loss, on ­Amazon this month.

But online sales calculator sites estimate she has only shifted between one and two copies a day.

Mrs Ingram-Moore lost her mother to a degenerative brain disease.

Her father Captain Tom died aged 100 in 2021.

His lockdown walks raised £38million for NHS charities.

But Mrs Ingram-Moore and her family pocketed £1.5million from a previous book deal and gave none to her father’s good cause.

A Charity Commission report said she and husband Colin had misled the public by benefitting personally.

Online reviewers have referred to that when posting their thoughts on the 144-page book.

One accused her of “parading her elderly father around for profit again”;.

Another called it “another excuse to make money”;.

And a third said she should stay out of the public eye and keep quiet”;.

The 54-year-old released the £8.99 self-help book, called Grief: Public Face Private Loss, on ­Amazon this month
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