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Gardeners urged to put 40p store cupboard staple on bird tables for essential reason this spring

Published on March 27, 2025 at 03:47 PM

GARDEN lovers have been urged to put a kitchen cupboard staple on bird tables this spring, in a bid to help wildlife.

Now that spring has sprung and temperatures have begun to climb, you may have noticed a chorus of birdsong waking you up on sunny mornings.

Blue tit feeding from a bird feeder.
A cute Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) feeding from a seed feeder. It has a sunflower in its beak.
Bag of penne pasta.
You can pick up pasta, a tasty treat for birds, for as little as 40p from Aldi

Spring is breeding season for birds, so it is crucial to help make sure they have enough nutrition to get through the nesting season.

And as birds face threats from climate change and food shortages, it is more important than ever for gardeners to make sure they are well fed.

The RSCPA has urged nature lovers to put out a variety of cheap kitchen staples for birds to nibble on.

The animal welfare charity revealed that leftovers such as pasta, rice and cheese all make great calorie-dense snacks for hungry feathered friends.

Boiled potatoes, unsalted peanuts, raisins and sultanas are also perfect snacks for famished chicks and their parents, and will ensure the flying creatures have enough energy to remain productive throughout spring.

Sharing a list of the perfect tasty treats to tantalise the taste buds of garden wildlife, the RSPCA revealed: “Birds love to eat suitable seeds and grains – like nyjer, millet, oats, and sunflower seeds.

Food scraps – cooked pasta, rice and boiled potatoes or cheese and uncooked and unsalted bacon rind. “Raisins and sultanas.

“Peanuts – must be unsalted, fresh and that they don't contain aflatoxin (a poison caused by fungus mould).

“Young chicks might choke on whole peanuts, so always put them in feeders with a smaller mesh.”

The charity also warned that dog owners should be careful of using raisins and sultanas, as they can be toxic to canines.

You can pick up a packet of pasta for as little as 40p from Aldi, so you can be confident that helping out the feathered creatures won't put you out of pocket.

The charity added that birds love wriggly critters such as mealworms or waxworms, so its a good idea to add these to your bird feast, if you're brave enough.

And don't forget to keep your garden visitors hydrated by putting out a bowl of clean water for them.

Many garden birds die each year through the transmission ofdiseases, so it's important to clean all water containers daily and feeders weekly, drying them before refilling,” the charity highlighted.

RSPCA Recommended Snacks for Garden Birds

Gardeners urged to put 40p store cupboard staple on bird tables for essential reason this spring 2
  1. Cooked pasta
  2. Rice
  3. Potatoes
  4. Cheese
  5. Raisins
  6. Sultanas
  7. Peanuts
  8. Uncooked and unsalted bacon rind
  9. Meal worms
  10. Wax worms
  11. Seeds
  12. Grains

The RSPB has also highlighted the importance of feeding birds high calorie snacks.

They said: “During the spring and summer months, birds also require high-protein foods, especially while they're moulting.”

However, the wildlife charity added: “Be careful with peanuts, fat and bread during spring and summer.

“If you want to feed peanuts only do so in rigid mesh feeders that will not allow sizeable pieces to be removed, since these could be a choking hazard to chicks.

“Home-made fat balls can melt in warm summer weather, and should be avoided. The RSPB Super Suet products are resistant to melting in heat.”

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