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Why are Labour cutting OAPs’ heat payments & benefits while pumping £7BILLION to migrants? Starmer’s mugging you off

WHAT does it mean to be British? I’d suggest one thing matters more than anything else – our strong sense of fair play.

While we Brits have always been welcoming of others, we also expect people to play by the rules, contribute to the collective pot and treat the rest of us with the same sense of fairness that we treat them.

Politicians arewillinglythrowingbillions of pounds’ worth of taxpayers money at the rapidly rising number of illegal migrants
Chancellor Rachel Reeves decided to axe the winter fuel payment for 10million pensioners in a bid to make savings

But this is no longer being upheld in modern Britain — far from it.

Instead, when millions of hard-working, tax-paying, law-abiding Brits look at what is happening to their country, they feel something very different — they feel they are being taken for a ride.

And you know what? I’ll say what nobody else is prepared to say: they are right to feel this way.

Just look at a few of the astonishing things we learned this week.
How is this fair?

While the Labour Government has just announced it is slashing welfare benefits for millions, having already axed the ­Winter Fuel Payment for British pensioners and imposed hefty tax hikes on our farmers, those same politicians are willingly throwing billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money at the rapidly rising number of illegal migrants, asylum- seekers and foreign nationals in this country, including some who have no interests in working legitimately or abiding by our laws.

Here are just a few new statistics to chew over.

Households in Britain that contain at least one foreign national who is claiming benefits received more than £7.5BILLION in Universal Credit in just one year alone.

That’s enough for 25million Winter Fuel Payments for British pensioners.

Today, in Britain, more than one million foreigners are claiming working-age benefits.

Remarkably, some 40 nationalities in Britain — though especially people from Congo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Eritrea, and Syria — are claiming benefits at a greater rate than British citizens: sometimes four times the rate. How is this fair?

And you can see this shocking sense of unfairness in many other areas of our national life, too.

Like social housing, where again Brits seem to be at the back of the queue.

This injustice is now so entrenched that, in some areas of Britain, as I recently pointed out, more than 65 per cent of social housing has gone to people who were not born in the country, often in areas where hard-working British professionals and youngsters would chop their right arm off to live.

Furthermore, many of the people who have been parachuted in to the front of the housing queue do not work, do not identify with Britain or England and do not speak our language.

How is it fair that British people are being forced to subsidise people who cannot even be bothered to learn our language?

As Flying Eze recently revealed, nearly one million people on these islands do not speak English well or at all.

How is it fair that British people are being forced to subsidise people who cannot even be bothered to learn our language?

Or look at crime. The idea that “diversity is our strength”; was recently blown apart by the shocking discovery, for the very first time, that foreign nationals are also significantly more likely to be arrested and convicted of multiple crimes, though especially rape and sexual assault.

Again, how is it fair that the British people are being asked to subsidise people who are not only extracting billions from our economy, but are also more likely to commit crime?

Farmers will pay a 20 per cent levy on agricultural assets worth more than £1million
TheLabour governmentjustannounced it’s slashingwelfare benefitsfor millions of Brits

And how is it fair, I ask, that we just hammered British pensioners by taking away their Winter Fuel Payment to save £1.5billion a year, while our hapless politicians, by refusing to fix our borders, are wasting at least £5.4billion a year — or £14.7million every day — on illegal migrants and asylum-seekers, including many whose first act in the UK is to break our laws?

Between welfare payments for foreign nationals and the spiralling bill for our border crisis, taxpayers are currently paying somewhere in the region of £13billion a year, or £250million every week, for this ongoing, never-ending insanity.

And you know what? These are not just statistics.

Treated with respect

What they reflect are political decisions that are being taken by the people we elect to work on our behalf.

The British people want politicians to uphold the sense of fair play that has long defined this country.

But as all these numbers show, our out-of-touch political class has instead decided to make life as easy as possible for foreign nationals, including those who break our laws and make no contribution, while making life as hard as possible for our elderly, poor and disabled.

Instead of being treated fairly, many people out there feel they are no longer being prioritised in their own country.

Instead of being treated with respect, they feel — understandably — they are now being mugged off by a political class that is more interested in helping migrants than their own people.

Treating your own people this way is the very opposite of what it means to be British.

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