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Gardening expert reveals 8 simple hacks to banish slugs & snails from your garden -including 65p kitchen cupboard staple

Published on March 27, 2025 at 11:43 AM

A GARDENING expert has revealed eight simple tricks you can do to banish slugs from your garden, including a 65p kitchen cupboard staple.

Now that spring has sprung, and temperatures have begun to climb, gardeners may have noticed the pesky critters nibbling on your plants and damaging greenery.

Close-up of a red slug in the grass.
Slugs can be a real nuisance in the garden

The sneaky invertebrates can be tricky to get rid of and gardeners have been warned against using chemical traps as these can damage other wildlife in the garden.

Instead, Chris Bonnett, the founder of has urged Brits to try out these eight cheap, natural hacks instead.

1. Salt

Sprinkling salt near the entrance to your house can prevent slugs from entering, as it sucks water out of their bodies, and causes them to dehydrate and die.

However, avoid getting salt too close to your plants and flowers, as it can harm them as well.

You can pick up table salt for as little as 65p from Tesco.

2. Egg Shells

Instead of throwing away egg shells next time you have a fry up, crush them up and sprinkle them on your soil instead.

Chris said: “Slugs don’t like to move over sharp edges so surround your garden beds with crushed eggshells to discourage them.

“As a bonus, the eggshells will break down and improve the soil.”

3. Coffee Grounds

Slugs and snails hate the smell and texture of coffee grounds, so sprinkling them on your soil will ensure slugs and snails are kept at bay.

Chris added: “Like eggshells, coffee grounds can also enrich the soil as they decompose.

4. Sand

Chris revealed that slugs and snails hate the feeling of sand sticking to them, so if you sprinkle some around your plants, it will keep them away.

Additionally, the sand helps your soil to retain moisture.

5. Beer Trap

Next time you treat yourself to a beer, leave an inch of it and place it in an open container.

Dig a hole and place the container in it, and then watch as slugs crawl towards it, and eventually down.

Tips for keeping pests from your garden

Gardening expert reveals 8 simple hacks to banish slugs & snails from your garden -including 65p kitchen cupboard staple 2
  • Plant companion plants such as peppermint to repel rats.
  • Place Garden Netting Pest Barrier, over your flowerbeds.
  • Fill open-top containers with beer and place in soil to repel slugs.
  • Spray plants with Neem Oil, to repel ants, flies, and spiders.
  • Dust your flowerbeds with Diatomaceous Earth.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon dish soap, 10 drops peppermint oil, and 4 cups water and spray on flowerbeds.
  • Place eggshells around your plants to protect from slugs and snails.

6. Catch and Release

If you are looking for a more humane method of catching slugs, place a piece of damp wood near areas they are commonly found.

Chris explained: “Since slugs are drawn to dark, moist environments, they will likely gather underneath it overnight.

“In the morning, simply collect them and release them far from your home.”

7. Strongly Scented Plants

Slugs and snails are not a fan of strongly scented plants such as lavender, rosemary, begonias, and sage.

Therefore, adding these plants to your garden, will help keep the critters away.

8. Copper Tape

Placing copper tape around your plants is another simple trick to keep pests at bay.

Chris explained: “That’s because when they come into contact with copper, it creates a small, harmless electric charge that repels them.”

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