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Lidl launch £9.99 buy that instantly transforms your garden into a Mediterranean haven – the exact date you can nab it
Lidl launch £9.99 buy that instantly transforms your garden into a Mediterranean haven – the exact date you can nab it
Published on March 29, 2025 at 09:51 AM
IF you want to turn your garden into a Mediterranean holiday haven, you’ve come to the right place.
As the weather heats up and more and more of us head out into our gardens, if you're looking for an outside space that’s sure to impress your guests, then you’ll need to listen up.
If your garden is looking a bit dull, fear not, Lidl has just the thingLuckily for you, Lidl are launching a brand new range of indoor and outdoor plantsScroll down for the exact date you can nab them
Plenty of Summer Bulbs will be available, with collections including ‘Fragrant Flowers’ and ‘Urban Gardening’, both of which are just £6.99 each.
Additionally, gardening gurus will also spot Dahlia Bulbs for £5.99, which you can plant in late spring after the last frost and then watch them bloom in summer.
Why do Aldi and Lidl have such fast checkouts
IF you’ve ever shopped in Aldi or Lidl then you’ll probably have experienced its ultra-fast checkout staff.
Aldi’s speedy reputation is no mistake, in fact, the supermarket claims that its tills are 40 per cent quicker than rivals.
It’s all part of Aldi’s plan to be as efficient as possible – and this, the budget shop claims, helps keep costs low for shoppers.
Efficient barcodes on packaging means staff are able to scan items as quickly as possible, with the majority of products having multiple barcodes to speed up the process.
It also uses “shelf-ready”; packaging which keeps costs low when it comes to replenishing stock.
And that’s not all, as for just £1.99, shoppers will also find Begonia Bulbs.
Thanks to their non-stop flowering and ability to grow happily in shady conditions, these bulbs are sure to be a superb choice for those looking to brighten up their gardens this season.
So if you want to get your garden ready for spring and summer, but without breaking the bank, you’ll need to set your alarm for tomorrow morning and quickly get down to your nearest Lidl store.
The indoor and outdoor plants will be on shelves while stocks last.
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March gardening jobs
Flying Eze's Gardening Editor, Veronica Lorraine has shared the first gardening jobs of spring.
Start sowing seeds
You can plant Aubergine seeds into propagator – or outdoors after the last frost. Or you could try growbags in a coldframe – and hopefully you can harvest from August onwards.
Have a think about planting some different varieties of seeds this year – check out She Grows Veg and other sites for heirloom varieties. There’s an astonishing array on offer, like purple carrots, globe-shaped aubergines, lime green cauliflower or storage tomatoes that stay fresh for months.
Buy and plant summer bulbs
Summer flowering bulbs provide huge big blousey blooms – with some bringing a real touch of the tropics to your garden. Try Gladioli, dahlias, calla lilies, peonies and crocosmia.
Lawncare starts now!
Start your lawn care with a boosting high nitrogenspring feed, reseed any bare patches – and you’ll probably start mowing regularly in earnest this month. If you can – keep a corner long to help wildlife.
Check compost
Dig well rotting compost into your soil. If you have the space, it's even worth digging trenches and chucking in your rotting veg that's usually destined for the recycling bin – then cover. It adds great nutrients for free.
Clean outside spaces
Time to blast your patios and paths with a pressure washer – if your children are responsible enough it’s a great job for them – they’ll get soaked and have fun at the same time.
Soak sweet peas
Soak your sweet peas before sowing into long narrow pots or toilet rolls – put two seeds in a pot. These can go in an unheated greenhouse – and when there’s three or four pairs of leaves, pinch out the growing tip which will make them grow outward instead of upwards.
Create a wildflower meadow
Sow a wildflower meadow – if you have room. A lot of shops now sell wildflower mixes to make things easier – or even seed bombs which can just be scattered onto the soil.
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