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I’m a partially blind mum of three getting £600 a month PIP – but the benefits system is far too easy to exploit
I’m a partially blind mum of three getting £600 a month PIP – but the benefits system is far too easy to exploit
Published on March 27, 2025 at 01:34 PM
MUM of three Angela Armin, 54, suffers from uveitis, a rare condition that has resulted in partial blindness in both eyes.
She struggles to see and needs a guide dog to help her get around from her home in Havering, Greater London.
Angela Armin suffers from a rare eye condition which causes blindnessAngela has a guide dog which helps her get around
She was first diagnosed with the condition in 2005 and now receives around £600 a month in Personal Independence Payments (PIP), which is a benefit to support people suffering from a long-term illness, disability or mental health condition.
PIP is split into two parts – a living allowance and another payment for mobility – Angela receives both parts.
But she believes the process of applying for PIP has to change.
The announcements follow a government shake-up to benefits including changes to qualifying for PIP.
Angela told Flying Eze: “The biggest problem is exploiting the system… it’s so easy to exploit.
“It’s so easy for people to convince people they have mental health issues.
“The genuine people are the ones that are suffering.
“People that genuinely need help aren’t getting it.”
TheGovernmentconfirmed a huge shake-up to benefits in a bid to get millions of Brits back to work.
It is planning to scrap Universal Credit Work Capability Assessments by 2028, so all health payments will be made via PIP.
The government is also planning to ban under-22s from claiming Universal Credit incapacity benefits.
It will also make it harder for people to claim PIP in a bid to save £5billion.
But the government hasn't confirmed many of the details of how PIP will be assessed, leaving millions who currently get the benefit feeling anxious and worried.
Angela is worried that she will be required to reapply for PIP.
She pointed out the huge disconnection between hospitals and medical authorities and the benefits system, which results in a difficult and frustrating experience for claimants.
She said: “Most people who have long term disabilities have been seen by a hospital.
“But then you’ve got to go for an assessment at the job centre you're sat there for an hour answering the same questions by someone in an admin role, for them to come to the same conclusions.”
The 54-year-old added that she has previously been tasked with filling out 40-page documents to carry on receiving her benefit payments.
“Filling out a form is difficult for me but i've seen top consultants at top eye hospitals who have written reports on my condition,” she said.
“There is no consistency. Where’s the logic?”
What is PIP?
HOUSEHOLDS suffering from a long-term illness, disability or mental health condition can get extra help through personal independence payments (PIP).
The maximum you can receive from the Government benefit is £172.75 a week.
PIP is for those over 16 and under the state pension age, currently 66.
Crucially, you must also have a health condition or disability where you either have had difficulties with daily living or getting around – or both- for three months, and you expect these difficulties to continue for at least nine months (unless you're terminally ill with less than 12 months to live).
Angela pointed out there can be a huge variation in extra costs depending on your condition, which aren't reflected under the current system.
She said: “I need a cleaner for my kitchen and bathroom.
“I need someone to help me to prepare food or I have to buy lots of pre-prepared items.”
Buying produce pre-chopped, such as meat, fruit and vegetables is far more expensive than buying whole.
Angela added: “A tub of chopped watermelon might work out as a quarter of a watermelon whereas you can buy a whole watermelon for the same price.
“There's a massive difference in costs but I can't use a knife to do it myself.
“Your money is pulled in different directions depending on your disability.
“Someone can be in a wheelchair but they have their sight so it's a different situation.”
Angela was working at a high street bank when she started to lose her sight.
At the time, her three sons were very young – all under the age of six – which created an extra hurdle for working because she didn't have anyone to help with childcare.
Financially, it made sense for her to stop working while her children were at school.
She added: “Lots of blind people are telephonists. I could answer a phone but it needed to be in school hours.”
But when her husband lost his job at the start of 2018, the household financial situation deteriorated and they spiralled into debt.
They slipped behind on their household bills including water and energy and took out credit cards to help cover day-to-day expenses.
Their credit rating suffered and when it came to remortgaging, the couple found their options were restricted as a result.
Within the space of 18 months, their mortgage went up from £550 to £980, heaping further pressure on their situation, owing around £5,000 on credit cards and loans.
At the end of 2018, the family received free debt help from charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
The charity helped freeze her debts with creditors and set up a payment plan to pay off money owed.
Angela said: “People are ashamed and embarrassed because of debt but when you are financial situation is fragile it's very easy to happen.”
How to get free debt help
There are several groups which can help you with your problem debts for free.