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Sask. provincial parks introducing new campsite reservation website

Published on April 01, 2021 at 12:15 AM

A new reservation website for provincial parks in Saskatchewan will soon be available for prospective campers to browse and create an account before the 2021 campsite reservation launch starting April 12.

The new website can be accessed at beginning April 12. Those who prefer to make a reservation on the phone will still be able to do so by calling 1-833-775-7275.

Read more: Saskatchewan provincial parks to start accepting reservations on April 12

On its website, the provincial government stated that Sask Parks is working to finalize and test the new system before reservations can be made.

“Customers will have access to the new website in early April to browse and become familiar with the new system,”; the website states.

“This reservation system offers new amenities to customers, and is quite different than past years. This is a great opportunity for campers to become familiar with the new system making their reservation process a smooth one in the coming weeks,” Parks, Culture and Sport Minister Laura Ross said.

A provincial news release said reservations begin at 7 a.m. each day and individuals no longer need to log onto the system 20 minutes early in order to be placed in the queue.

The reservation schedule is as follows:

Seasonal campsite reservations:

  • April 12 – Seasonal campsites for all parks offering seasonal camping

Nightly, camp easy, group, equestrian and rec hall, reservations:

  • April 14 – Pike Lake, The Battlefords, Narrow Hills, Blackstrap
  • April 16 – Bronson Forest, Meadow Lake, Makwa Lake, Lac La Ronge
  • April 19 – Saskatchewan Landing, Douglas, Danielson
  • April 20 – Buffalo Pound, Rowan's Ravine, Echo Valley, Crooked Lake
  • April 21 – Cypress Hills
  • April 22 – Duck Mountain, Good Spirit Lake, Greenwater Lake
  • April 23 – Candle Lake, Great Blue Heron, Moose Mountain

Prior to reservation, individuals can create a new account and review changes to the 2021 camping season. Tutorials will also be made available on the website.

Read more: Southern Saskatchewan provincial parks receiving upgrades

Also new this year, all vehicle entry permits will be available to buy online and through the call centre. Vehicle entry permits will automatically be added to customers' carts when they are making a reservation. Customers that buy daily or weekly entry permits will now be able to print the permits from home and annual permits can be picked up in-park.

Because of this new change, campers will be able to go directly to their campsite once they arrive in park with Sask Parks’ auto check-in function.

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