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Weekly horoscope for March 23 – March 29: What the stars have in store for every zodiac sign revealed

Published on March 23, 2025 at 12:01 AM

ZODIAC SIGNS: What's a star sign and how do I find mine?

OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.


MAR 21 – APR 20

Illustration of the Aries zodiac sign.

Love is deepening, whether you choose it or not, as Venus reverses into Pisces.

Get ready to acknowledge emotional dreams and whether they are coming true, as there is still so much you can do.

An Aries new moon sparks a flash of inspiration, helping you to figure out exactly how new talents can support old ideas.

Plus, you have the Sun chasing chart shadows away.


APR 21 – MAY 21

Illustration of Taurus zodiac sign.

You may prefer to stand alone, but reaching out to others is your chart theme of the week.

Asking for help or accepting support can make you stronger.

This time, try not to dismiss comments that contrast with your own certainties, as this is how you will grow.

The power one particular secret holds can disappear when you embrace the positive impact of the new moon.


MAY 22 – JUNE 21

Illustration of Gemini horoscope symbol with other zodiac signs in the background.

It may be hard to see a simple way forward in love, but when you trust yourself to cope, you can push through barriers.

Expect the best of everyone, including yourself, but do overlook mistakes.

If you’re single, that special look from someone you consider a winner in life can mean so much.

A local group is growing fast, so get in early to find a natural home for your skills.


JUNE 22 – JULY 22

Illustration of Cancer zodiac sign with other zodiac signs in the background.

You may not reach an emotional goal as soon as expected, but you can still enjoy the process.

This is Venus’ message for you this week. Important feelings are close to the surface, so the more honest you can be, the better.

A fresh breeze of ambition blows through your chart – scrapping half-hearted plans and starting again can fire up work success.

New love could link to an old classmate.


JULY 23 – AUG 23

Illustration of Leo zodiac sign.

You are adding a depth of authenticity to your feelings that may leave you more vulnerable this week.

However, you also connect in more genuine ways, and this is worth the risk because so much can change.

Mercury’s track is not an easy one for learning, but it makes what you take on board far more valuable.

A work crossroads linked to someone with a “B”; initial is around the corner. Luck calls at a recently replaced door.


AUG 24 – SEPT 22

Virgo zodiac sign illustration.

What you may assume is holding partners together could actually be pushing them apart.

So do ask yourself if you are being too compliant and could perhaps expect more for yourself from love.

If you’re single, looking back about five weeks may reveal a missed romantic opportunity.

A makeover moon brings a challenging opportunity to try a much bolder personality – will you take it?


SEPT 23 – OCT 23

Illustration of Libra zodiac sign with other zodiac signs in the background.

If love makes you feel good, no matter what anyone else says or thinks, then you deserve to celebrate it.

There’s a level of emotional uncertainty in your chart as Venus travels back in time, drawing your mind and heart towards the past and one special person.

Only you know where this can take you and how.

Mars’ strength supports a work goal, even when the going gets tough.


OCT 24 – NOV 22

Illustration of Scorpio zodiac sign with other zodiac signs in the background.

New Moon Time is the perfect moment to restart a health challenge, this time perhaps with more support.

Of course, your own ideas are the most valuable, but making space for other opinions is a positive move.

Additionally, you can learn facts and figures that could fuel a future personal enterprise.

A talent-based TV show has a place for you – it may take more than one attempt.


NOV 23 – DEC 21

Sagittarius zodiac sign: bow and arrow illustration.

Positive renewal vibes around your creative sector are the Moon gift that keeps on giving.

The more you stretch yourself, the more you could achieve, so break free from recent restrictions you’ve placed on your love or talent.

Family life may feel a little up and down as Venus has a bumpy ride, but keep believing in yourself and your absolute right to be happy.


DEC 22 – JAN 20

Capricorn zodiac sign illustration.

Words always wield power, but especially so this week.

Monitor what you say and when, particularly around anyone younger.

The easy way to deal with negative reactions is to discount them, but the stronger way is to pay attention and see if they have a point.

Passion is ready to ask for and expect more, while a property-related “yes”; is moving closer every day.

Luck circles around dates linked to the number “5”;.


JAN 21 – FEB 18

Aquarius horoscope illustration.

The next three weeks may bring cash challenges, but you have star power to cope – as long as you trust yourself and stay on the calm side of any conflict.

When you show you can listen well, a conversation can restart, this time leaving out any blame.

The price of love may seem high, but only you can decide if it’s worth it.

Don’t let anyone else make this decision for you.


FEB 19 – MAR 20

Illustration of the Pisces zodiac sign with other zodiac signs in the background.

Putting yourself first in love and life is not a natural Pisces position, but you are ready to try it now.

Your personal value is on the rise, but you may be the last person to see this or set it to work.

If you’re single, Venus stirs jealousy, which could be telling you something important – will you listen?

Cash deals that start on a temporary basis can grow into permanent promises.

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