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What Is An SEO Company & What Do They Do?
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What Is An SEO Company & What Do They Do?

SEO is vital for the success of any business that has an online presence. Such services make your website more visible to potential clients, partners and other members of your industry. The more people get to know about you, the more money you’ll make and the higher your reputation in your sector.

What Are Professional SEO Companies in Charge of?

These agencies optimize the content and technical aspects of your website so that it gets higher positions in search engine results. The ultimate goal is to make Google and other engines display the link to your business on their first pages when people start looking for keywords that are relevant to your niche and location.

Here is what SEO specialists can do for your website:

  • Minimize code
  • Optimize images
  • Ensure all your web pages are mobile-friendly
  • Set up your website architecture correctly
  • Connect your web resource to Google Analytics and Google Search Console
  • Select the actual keywords for your niche and area
  • Generate new content
  • Add titles, descriptions, alts and tags to the content

You may entrust these tasks to your in-house team. But it would be wiser to outsource this job. Professionals who 100% devote themselves to SEO know this sphere inside out. They will help you stay ahead of the game much more efficiently and with minimum expenses.

Arguments in favor of Using Search Engine Optimization Services

The best SEO agencies help their clients achieve three paramount goals.

Enhance Search Engine Results

It will take your website a few months to climb to the first pages of search engines. The exact duration will depend on your location, the competition in your niche and the results that you already have. Some business owners think “All the spots on the first page of Google are occupied. I won’t be able to make it there”. Don’t worry, everything is possible! The key to success is finding the right keywords.

Around ¾ of all users check only the results that they see on the first Google page. It doesn’t make sense to help your website reach the second page.

Target the Right Audience

The selection of the proper keywords depends not only on your sector but also on your geographical location. The agency will detect high-intent keywords in your area and check whether they fit your budget. If your expenses turn out to be too high, SEO professionals will refine their selection of keywords. They will find ways of cutting down your expenses without compromising on quality.

In the process of selecting the keywords, the agency will better understand the demographics of your target audience. Maybe, they will discover that you can cater to some segments that you previously paid little attention to.

Get Insightful Reports

Ask the agency to send monthly reports to you. These shouldn’t be just screenshots from Google Analytics. All the facts and numbers should be accompanied by their interpretations.

Comprehensive reports enable you to not only assess the results of the SEO company. They also allow you to better understand your industry and customers as well as get insights into your sources of traffic and income.

How to Pick the Right Service Provider

Top search engine optimization companies tick these three boxes:

  • Draft a tailored plan for each customer
  • Have solid portfolios and positive testimonials from their previous clients
  • Their teams are large enough and the work of their staff members is well-coordinated

Some agencies rely on freelancers when their workload is too high. In some cases, everything goes well. Yet generally, 100% in-house teams showcase higher performance.

Before getting in touch with an agency that has produced a good impression on you, do a bit of research about the latest SEO news and trends. Ask the agency representatives about these news and trends. If they understand what you mean and keep on talking on the subject, that’s a good sign.

Step-by-Step Guide on the Process

When optimizing your website, top ranking SEO companies will stick to this algorithm:

  1. Carry out a thorough analysis and audit of your website to detect its strong and weak sides
  2. Analyze the websites of your main competitors to identify the aspects in which they outperform you
  3. Define your target audience, based on the results of the two previous stages
  4. Pick the right SEO tools (for ranking keywords, analyzing backlinks, reporting broken URLs and so on)
  5. Draft a plan for your SEO company, share it with you, answer your questions and get your approval
  6. Execute the plan
  7. Report the results to you
  8. Keep on providing ongoing maintenance

The ongoing maintenance is necessary because your competitors will be trying to outperform you. You’ll need to invest effort in retaining your positions.

The algorithms of search engines are frequently updated. SEO professionals always stay aware of all the changes and will fine-tune your website accordingly.

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