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William Amos, A Canadian Member of Parliament, Was Caught Naked During A Video Meeting
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William Amos, A Canadian Member of Parliament, Was Caught Naked During A Video Meeting

Don’t worry, this wasn’t some kind of Jeffrey Toobin situation, The New York Post says that 46-year-old William Amos, a Liberal Member of Parliament representing the western Quebec riding of Pontiac who is sadly not related to Tori Amos, had a little camera accident at work. His camera was left on by accident after he came back from a run and was getting ready for work-from-home. Will was naked, and only covering his down-low part, and so obviously someone took a picture of it. Well, at least Will didn’t have a side chick in the background.

You’d think that after over a year of doing Zoom meetings due to a pandemic, that people would understand how to turn their cameras off or cover that shit right up when they’re not camera-ready. But not Will who was seen changing before the virtual Parliament meeting began. And of course, once someone saw that happening, they chose to take a picture with their phone of the video feed and share it with the Canadian Press, who then published it because duh, that’s news. Will explained he was coming in from a jog and changing into work clothes:

CBC says that Will later posted another message on Facebook, saying that he’s upset that the picture is out there and thanked people for their “moral support and encouragement in the aftermath of this most regrettable situation.”

“The past 24 hours have been difficult at a professional and personal level, but I will not allow this to distract me from the work of representing my Pontiac constituents and Canada… It is most unfortunate that someone shared, without my consent, a photo in which I was changing my clothes. This photo came from a video feed that only MPs or a very small number of staff had access to. No person deserves to suffer such harm.”

And House Leader Pablo Rodriguez later called for an investigation into who leaked the image. Pablo said:

“I would like to say that the conduct of the person who took the screen shot is not only extremely unfortunate but it is mean spirited and life changing for one of our colleagues… Taking a photo of someone who is changing clothes and in the nude and sharing it without their consent could very well be criminal… Are we really at a point in our politics where it is acceptable to try and destroy the reputation and humiliate a colleague because someone finds a very unfortunate error and unintentional mistake to be funny. Our politics has taken a very dark and destructive turn if this is the case.”

Pablo wants the investigation to find a culprit “so the House can decide the appropriate action to take.” Mark Holland, the MP from Ajax, Ontario also called for an investigation since it was from a non-public portion of Parliamentary proceedings.

So whoever shared that picture could get into trouble, legally. It shouldn’t be too difficult to catch them. Detectives just need to hang out at the Apple store’s Genius Bar and wait until someone comes in and asks, “Can you completely wipe my phone and iCloud of EVERYTHING or should I just go ahead and hide my iPhone in a place that nobody with eyes will dare to go? Yes, I’m talking about Drake’s blindingly ugly mansion.”

Pic: YouTube

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